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14-Jul-2013 [251]
Part of Project Management
Drupalcamp July 13, 2013
Lee hunter drupal documentation
Manning saas doc Wrob responsive
Postman for chrome
Mvc for js backbone.js
Twig templating lang for drupal
Migrate module - use drush Vs feeds module
Responive design book ethanmarkot
The saas way website
Aurora is destination
Team-saas Magic module drupal
Fences module
Omega competing approach
Scrum org approach
Scrum boards; scrum lanes
Siebel drupal competitor
Content strategy for mobile
Who is the user What are their objectives What is the business What is the intent of the site
Focus - resolution Designers Themers Site builders Developers Architects
Site owners Site users
Add meaning in drupal Ux design strategy means ux deign principles
User styles
Ptoduct manager product owner
1 2 4 8 estimates, or meta ticket
Style guide and components don't match Panthron test stage production
Flat design
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