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30-Apr-2013 [223]
Part of unassigned
git help <command>
git mv oldname newname (to rename a source file)
The standard order to do things in:
git checkout -- filename (to discard local changes to filename)
To mark a file as ready to commit: git add <filename>
To commit all "staged" files: git commit
To modify the most recent commit: git commit --amend - this allows you to add more files to the commit and/or modify the previous comment.
To fetch data from the remote repo and merge it into your workspace: git pull
To "push" commits up to the remote repo: git push origin master (or git push)
Resolving merge conflicts
The conflicted file will contain lines like...
<<<<<<< HEAD:file.txt Hello world ======= Goodbye >>>>>>> 77976da35a11db4580b80ae27e8d65caf5208086:file.txt
To resolve the conflict, follow these three steps: